SimpleAnchors takes a different approach to page scrolling utilizing data attributes. Packed with options, including custom autoBuild function for quick TOC style pages. Just under 2k minified.

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// Example Usage
<a href="#" data-scroll-to="example-container" data-scroll-offset="100">Go to Section</a>
<div data-scroll-target="example-container"></div>

// Can be called with default selector $.simpleAnchors();
// or set to one $('[data-scroll-to]').simpleAnchors();

// Options

duration: 800,                      // vary the speed depending the distance in future update
easing: 'swing',                    // the easing function for animation; expo, cubic, circ, swing (if jquery easing included)
activeClass: 'active',              // class given to the active nav element
offset: 0,

autoBuild: false,                   // if true, auto wraps elements to create TOC style
sections: 'h2',                     // defaults to <h2> headings, can be anything
sectionEl: 'section',               // scroll target, defaults to <section>
wrapper: 'article[role="article"]', // outer wrapper, defaults to <article role="article">