Setup your hosts/httpd-vhosts file through cli, create project dir, and restart apache.

Get it here!

Does 3 things, sometimes 4.

  • Creates an instance of your project within your hosts file, e.g.
  • Creates a reference to the hosts/project within httpd-vhosts.conf by referencing your desired path to project.
  • Creates directory for you project. (Optional)
  • Restarts Apache.

bash <(curl -s

Preferred method would be to:

Download it and place it with your other scripts, e.g. /Users/{username}/Documents/Scripts/
Make it executable chmod u+x
Create an alias: nano .bash_profile
Add alias alias ghosts="/Users/kiriaze/Documents/scripts/"
Run it: ghosts
Apply changes to bash file: source ~/.bash_profile
And follow the inline instructions through CLI!

Get it here! or clone it